Saturday, April 11, 2020

"The First Green Thing"

An Easter poem that might make you wonder...or think... and just maybe... worship...

Click arrow to view 4-minute video:

April is poetry month, and today is Easter. This particular Easter is unlike any Christian has seen in over a century. Please watch the video-poem above. It's only 2 minutes long with a 2-minute explanation to pique your interest. If you like riddles (or poetry or theology), you may want to explore further.
"The First Green Thing" (2010) is told by a old man walking an unfamiliar woods who comes across a discarded work of art. Is it a birdbath? It's clearly more than that, and seems like it would be in a magnificant garden, but now... it seems to have been discarded by its maker. The imagery of the work baffles the man. The a vertical part is a strong bronze arm that appears to reach right out of the earth as if the rest of the man is buried. It is holding a laurel wreath above the basin of water so that whoever looks in the reflection sees the wreath being place on his head as was the custom in the time of Christ. But a thorny vine has overtaken the wrought-copper laurel and it now looks more like a crown of thorns. Why was it "cast from the garden"? What is the meaning of the green things the man did not fine in the opening lines? Is "the fall" merely a season?

Watch it again and see if you can make sense of it. If you'd like to have some help, this poem is full of intentional symbols from beginning to end that are explained at the link below:

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